Sustainable forms of agriculture are vital to the future of our planet and the world's food supply. We use regenerative agriculture, a natural farming process that, with its agricultural and grazing practices, helps to reverse climate change.
• Our fields are irrigated 100% naturally with rainwater.
• We do not use any chemical products,
taking care of our workers and the environment.
• We use the method of direct sowing, preserving the structure of the soil and organic matter.
• Our agricultural practice allows us to regenerate the necessary nutrients for the correct growth of chia, guaranteeing the nutritional quality of our grains.
We keep the soil intact and plant our chia seeds directly into the nutrient-rich soil layers. This allows us to:
• Keep the soil structure intact and protected by crop residues.
• Allow a slower evaporation of water and a better crop yield.
• Reduce erosion.
• Keep soil biology healthy; microorganisms feed on organic matter in the soil, producing more nutrient-dense crops and avoiding the need for chemicals.
• Increased organic matter increases soil carbon sequestration.
Each plant has a specific nutrient requirement and a different level of carbon uptake. Therefore, rotating crops allows us to:
• Maintain the balance of nutrients in the soil.
• The regeneration and self-regulation of soil carbon levels.
• Eliminate the need for herbicides.
• Let the soil rest, ensuring a natural restoration of its essential nutrients and the neutralization of its pH.
Our fields have environmentally protected areas that function as natural barriers. They are virgin forests that are protected to preserve the native flora and fauna of the place.
These natural barriers:
•  Protect our crops from wind and water erosion.
•  Promote the natural diversity of animals and their
free movement.
•  Promote pollination and native plant